Monday, October 22, 2007

Men and the Women Who Deal with Them

I do not understand men. It doesn't matter if you marry them, date them, live with them, grow up with them, work with them, love them, hate them or simply put up with them....we will never understand them.

Now I don't have to worry about the marry them part as of yet, but I do deal with the live with them (father and brother), work with them (I think there is a higher number of men in my current workplace then women), and a little of both love them and put up with them. But the one thing that always frustrates me is the date them part. Or even the "I like you, you like me but we aren't dating right now and neither one of us can give a good, solid reason as to why that is."

Then, there is the whole "mixed signals" guessing game. The "oh, he looked at me, does that mean he likes me?" Or "he commented on how cute I look today, is that flirting?" Or "he touched my hand....or is that considered more of a brush?" Or "He didn't talk to me at all today. Is he mad at me or something?" And the old favorite "Does he like me or does he LIKE me like me?" The day they print up a guide book to the male sex and the ins and outs of their brain is the day I may finally be able to say "I get it!"

Until then....I guess I just have to live in confusion, frustration and adoration for awhile. At least it keeps life-what's the word-interesting.

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