So I entered this summer with this philosophy...I throw my hat into several different rings and wherever God wanted me is where I'd end up. I signed up for some institute classes, auditioned for some musicals and volunteered to be an EFY counselor. (That's a summer youth program for the LDS church.) Then I sat back and waited to see what direction life would take me.
Well- I currently am taking a world religion class- which I only have time for one more session due to rehearsal. I made Seussical the Musical out in Sandy and just in the two rehearsals we've had, I can see why God wanted me in this production. The people are incredibly kind and extremely talented. We have bonded already and we're not even a week in. That's bodes well for the rest of the summer.
Then, I also received word I'm accepted to be an EFY counselor for a Sandy session the middle of June. I am very excited about this one. It's an opportunity for me to serve the youth in a period of their life that is one of the hardest. i don't know about you, but junior high and the first year in high school were hell for me. It's that awkward stage where you are trying to figure out who you are with an entire society telling who you should be and some obnoxious classmates trying to make you feel bad for being who you are. It's the period of life where you learn to depend on yourself (with divine providence) and learn to say "I love who I am. I love who I am becoming. And world- you better watch out because I'm on my way." It took me a while to learn that, but I've been blessed beyond words once I applied it and I look forward to helping these youth do the same.
ON top of that- I get to go the temple open house, visited Bryce Canyon-Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument-Capitol Reef over Memorial Day and am traveling to the Utah Shakespearan Festival and Tuacahn Amphitheater at the end of August. (After my musical of course.) A very fun filled and fulfilling summer.
And a budding social life on top of that. Though, I'm back where I was a few weeks ago. Waiting for news. Patience and I do not get along! :) But, I'm very happy with the blessings God has sent my way these past couple of weeks and I'm excited to see what else he has in store for me. Because not only do I know that I'm meant to be where I am- but perhaps there is someone in any of these situations who needs to not only learn something from me but teach something to me. So, I need to be around them as much as they need to be around me. That's a fun way of looking at life. After all, life isn't about the moments you breathe but about the moments that take your breathe away.
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