Monday, February 9, 2009


Life constantly suprises me. I feel a little guility today. I had a wonderful weekend this past weekend. I was able to get away from some of the troubles that have followed me around these last weeks. I put aside all my problems, all my sorrows and allowed myself to relax and enjoy the beauty and peace around me. I talked with people i'm close to and spent some quality time with my family. I felt, for the first time in a long time, that i was happy. Truly happy.

Come to find out one of family friend's dog died on Thursday. Then, friend from high school and a boy who was one class below me died on the same day. One in a car accident- the other they're not sure. So here I am, happy with life, dancing in circles and thanking my creator for all my many blessings- and there are three families dealing with loss. I'm not equating losing a pet to losing a daughter or son- but it is still a loss. For the families of my two high school classmates, I can't even imagine what they are going through. Both of these people were only 23 years old. My age.

That's a humbling thought. Someone just like me. Someone who went to school with me. In one moment, they move across the veil from this world to the next. Now I lost my mom at 18. I know what's it like to lose someone so close to you, lose a part of your family. Two in one day? What would happen if now that my life is finally on a upswing- something were to happen to me?

Life is so fragile. Life is so precious. We have to hold on to every moment, hold on to every person we love. For one day, they too will pass on. And one day, it will be us.

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