Tuesday, January 1, 2008


So I've waited for different experiences in my life, and each one has fallen flat on its face. The two most recent surround my college graduation and one this past weekend.
maybe I put too much stock into these experiences to begin with. I realized that the next big day that is all about me probably won't be until I get married. So, I tried to make graduation day one of the funnest days possible. Well, it was fun, but it wasn't what I had thought it was going to be.
Then, this past weekend, I had something happen to me that hasn't happened the more than 20 years I've been alive. My best friend and I talked about it last night. We had a conversation that I had waited years to have. And in the moment, the experience was crazy and amazing. But looking back, it wasn't at all like I pictured and the more I thought about it, wasn't at all what I wanted.
I have a friend at work who talks to me about everything. This friend has told me on many occasions that they would like to teach me about the world and the adventures that go along with it. I almost wish I had taken their advice and let them "teach me." But for now, at least I have a story and a "new years eve" story at that.
The downside is, I don't quite see what the big deal is. maybe next time, i won't expect anything at all. Then, i won't be disappointed when it doesn't turn out the way I thought it would. Maybe, it will be even better.